
Showing posts from 2024

November 2024

Keep FOCUS Growing is Underway!  $77,000 in Matching Funds Pledged for Keep FOCUS Growing 2024! Make a gift now  to keep us reaching new students and expanding to new campuses Denton FOCUS Friendsgiving It's an annual tradition in our Denton FOCUS community to have two cores plan a Friendsgiving. It gives students a chance to take ownership in the community, plan ahead, host, be thoughtful, and onboard other students in the community to contribute, celebrate, and to love one another.  Samantha and I 's core co-hosted with Michael and Jaxon's core (our group from Fall Retreat). Michael led us a in pastoral thought, someone from each group prayed for everyone, we ate, laughed, and played games together. Very thankful for our little communities that form within our big community.  Here's some photos!  My back porch filled with students eating thanksgiving food. We went around sharing a favorite Thanksgiving memory and got to know each other better.  A very int...

October 2024 update

It has been a busy, wild, interesting, yet encouraging semester. We've had many new baptisms, our student leader team is big, we're have 260ish show up on our fellowship nights, and have well over 300 involved with small groups. We just had our largest turnout for our Fall Retreat ever for Denton FOCUS. The Lord seems to be adding to our number daily and we are increasingly relying more and more on his grace (praise God).  Here's a snapshot and prayer request from our director of FOCUS (he's over at UTD), but very similar things are happening with them:  "So many students are studying the Bible for the first time, learning about Jesus for the first time, wrestling with his call to follow for the first time. They are facing down all sorts of strongholds in their lives--drug addictions, past or present abuse, mental and physical illnesses, identity issues, money troubles, problems in their families--basically anything you can imagine. But we know "The weapons we...

September 2024 update

Baptisms and Book Recs Hey y'all! Some great news over here. Since August, we've had 8 baptisms in Denton FOCUS. Most recently were 5 girls. Grace (UNT), Diana (UNT), MJ (TWU), Chris (TWU), and Nia (TWU)!  Chris, MJ, and Nia's Baptism! A TWU baptism for the ages! Josh and Emiliee Robinson of Denton North Church let us use their pool. Josh was in FOCUS with Ryan and I when we were in college! Diana's baptism. I got to study foj with Diana 2 years ago and her corefas Mackenzie and Mikayla from that year got to baptize her. What a sweet moment. Mackenzie is now on staff at Collin, and Mikayla is back in Houston :'( Grace's baptism. I had the honor of getting to baptize her. We were co-fas last year and I loved leading core with her. A very special moment, her friends and family together to celebrate! Sean and Vianet (also friends of Ryan and I's from college), have let us baptize countless people over the years. What a blessing they are! These baptisms are good...

August 2024 update


July 2024

Hey, all! First up, we have our student testimony straight from TWU.  Gearing up for the school year:  I wanted to share some thoughts from the director of all of FOCUS as we approach the new school year. Please read a long and pray with us! We're so thankful for you.  From Brandon Worsham: "I was in prayer this morning for the thousands of new students who will be coming to our campuses in a little over a month. And then I was reminded of these words from Brady Bobbink, one of my ministry mentors: "There is a passage in Jonah where the Lord speaks of Nineveh being a great people where they do not 'know their right hand from their left.' What a pithy but sad description of how morally confused and lost people can be even though they are part of a powerful, rich, and well-educated empire. When I think of our campuses, I think the Lord would say the same thing about lots of secular students and the professors who lead them. "But here is the surprise. The Lord’s...

June 2024 update

 Ciao! Hey guys, it's been a heck of a summer. I'm excited to download y'all on the amazing things I've experienced as a result of God's provision. First, please read the student testimony from Jonathan at Richland College.  The Truth and Beauty Project: Christian Immersion trip to Rome: For 6 days in June, a group of 13 including focus alumni, current focus students, and myself and Grant traveled to Rome for a Spiritual Formation Immersion. There's a non-profit that one of our Denton alumni is connected to called the Truth and Beauty and Project. The founders of this non-profit are passionate about young adults intentionally living out their faith to the Lord through their vocation. This trip is aimed helping young people discern the direction God is calling them to, empowering young people to be faithful with the talents God has given them to bless others, and to mature them in their faith through connecting with historical Christianity in Rome via Christian a...

May 2024 update

Student Testimony:  This month's is very special; comes from a UNT gal named Lili! Please read her story.  SICM 2024:  This year was a very special SICM! Our staff was asked to partially teach and we sent our biggest group ever; 150! I was asked to teach a breakout session and I shared about Lifelong Faithfulness. To prepare, I had several long conversations with people who had been living faithfully for a long time. One big takeaway for me is that I need to spend more time talking with older people on the phone. It was an enriching experience for me. Please be praying for the students who went, that they would take more ownership of their faith, and see themselves as lights to our campuses. Pray that they stick with community this summer, and that they would continue in their empowerment from the Spirit to make a difference for the Lord.  Thank y'all!  Below are some pictures I took at SICM!  End of the week at the Friday Night Fellowship at Western Washin...

April 2024 update

Hey, all!  I'm excited to update y'all on the last month. First up is our student testimony from UTD. Take a peak and read Darreyl's story.  2nd to last peer team meeting in early April! I took these pictures as we had to "seek shelter" when the tornado siren went off. Luckily, the siren was short lived. Peer team is when Reagann and I come up with spiritual enrichment and development for the student leaders we meet with. We were reading through an article by Lewis Smedes on the Power of Promising. We were also laughing a lot together.  Our last peer team meeting ended with a prayer and group hug! What a sweet group of girls God gave us to faithfully lead and love like Jesus this year. They made such a special impact on our community and campuses.  Playing disc-golf with my homie Grace. She and I have facilitated core together this semester. I've loved us getting to be friends! She's done a fantastic job handling lots of challenges this year and remaining ...

March 2024 update

Hey, everyone!  This month, I want to feature one of my ministry partners and FOCUS alumni, Adam Chaibainou.  Adam was a freshman at Collin College the first year I started working with FOCUS full time back in 2016. He went onto UTD, did the FOCUS Apprenticeship, and is now a high school English teacher. He and his wife Clarissa are good friends of Grant and I as well and they've partnered with me in ministry, just like you.  Last year, Adam released a self-published book called I am a Child of God . He's also teaching in the public school system and the school administration decided to use his book for recommended reading. In his book he shares his deep grief, pain, and God meeting him through other people like his grandmother, his friends and mentors in high school, and college ministry (FOCUS).  In his own words:  "A few years ago, I transitioned off of Focus staff as an Apprentice and into the world of education. Since then, I've worked as an ...

February 2024

Howdy, all!  Happy almost-Spring. First up, we have our student testimony from February. Please take a moment to read Christophe's testimony.  Below you'll find my ministry letter for the month where I talk about a couple of events we had going on this last month. We were busy-busy but the students have been blessed by them and are in turn a blessing to others. Take a look: Thank you guys for your generous prayers and support! We are seeing renewal in Denton. Please keep praying for that and praying for courage to overcome the tension points that present as these students try to get closer to Jesus!  Bonus pictures:  Aaron and I after I saw his show! Aaron and his wife Tate are good friends of Grant and I's and they're ministry partners with me. I love these people. They're gifts from God!  Allison, one of my lil homies and a corefa (student leader) acting up at student leader meeting. This is Shay! I love her. I study scripture with her (FOJ), and we do cool th...