May 2024 update

Student Testimony: 

This month's is very special; comes from a UNT gal named Lili! Please read her story. 

SICM 2024: 

This year was a very special SICM! Our staff was asked to partially teach and we sent our biggest group ever; 150! I was asked to teach a breakout session and I shared about Lifelong Faithfulness. To prepare, I had several long conversations with people who had been living faithfully for a long time. One big takeaway for me is that I need to spend more time talking with older people on the phone. It was an enriching experience for me. Please be praying for the students who went, that they would take more ownership of their faith, and see themselves as lights to our campuses. Pray that they stick with community this summer, and that they would continue in their empowerment from the Spirit to make a difference for the Lord. 

Thank y'all! 

Below are some pictures I took at SICM! 

End of the week at the Friday Night Fellowship at Western Washington University. Our students were loud, proud, and worshipful. 

Martha, MJ, and Alexis. Our host families took us to a rocky beach where we got to see the sunset, celebrate what God had done that week, and see disobedient dogs eating dead crabs. It was very cold and beautiful.

Kevin, one our Collin staff guys, got stuck in the sandy mud at the Northern Cascades. He also could not pull out his shoes. May his shoes rest in peace.

Kevin (Collin staff), Ryan (Denton staff; Director of Denton FOCUS), Adriana (Collin Staff), and Sandy (Richland staff). We took a mini road trip to see the Northern Cascades. This was before Kevin lost his shoes and got covered in mud. 

Brandon Worsham (FOCUS director) teaching the first session during SICM! 

Jackie and Audrey, two denton students with Becca! We were sharing our lives and basking in the rare sunshine in Washington. 


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