September '22 update

Hey, everyone! It's been a minute. I'm so pumped to update you on what's been going on. But first, our student testimony. This is a fun one because Chukwu is here at UNT! We're so blessed to have him as one of our student leaders. Please read his story below! Getting started: It's been 4 weeks since we've been back on campus, can you believe it? Welcome week was awesome. We met hundreds of people, so many eager and open students to know more about Christ and Christ-like friendships. We are seeing students coming in who aren't as consistent in getting time together but they're eager. So please praying for consistency for these new students! We spent lots of time playing games, having conversations, helping students find classes, and we even went to the kickoff football game! UNT lost miserably but it was still a lot of fun. It's been a great start so far, but it's also been a challenge getting students to commit to weekly bible studies where one ...