
Showing posts from July, 2024

July 2024

Hey, all! First up, we have our student testimony straight from TWU.  Gearing up for the school year:  I wanted to share some thoughts from the director of all of FOCUS as we approach the new school year. Please read a long and pray with us! We're so thankful for you.  From Brandon Worsham: "I was in prayer this morning for the thousands of new students who will be coming to our campuses in a little over a month. And then I was reminded of these words from Brady Bobbink, one of my ministry mentors: "There is a passage in Jonah where the Lord speaks of Nineveh being a great people where they do not 'know their right hand from their left.' What a pithy but sad description of how morally confused and lost people can be even though they are part of a powerful, rich, and well-educated empire. When I think of our campuses, I think the Lord would say the same thing about lots of secular students and the professors who lead them. "But here is the surprise. The Lord’s...