Happy spring, everyone! I am so thankful for this time of year. The sun is out which means more vitamin D which means people generally happier... I think? Anyway, guessy-science jokes aside, I am pumped to fill y'all in on what's been going down in FOCUS town. First, I want to update y'all about a sweet guy named Devin. I knew him when I was a student at UNT. He and I were a part of a group that would watch The Walking Dead on Sundays, and I always enjoyed hearing what he had to say about the show, what he was learning in school, and about his small group. I've witnessed him grow in boldness, and develop deep friendships over the years in our ministry. Take a moment to read his story! He's quite vulnerable here, but I think it has the potential to impact a lot of people struggle with intimacy in friendships. Pizza Theology: Ready or he comes! This was the legitimate title for our pizza theology this semester and it was about the second coming and