December 2023
Hello, all! Thank You! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am very grateful for each of you and your contributions to campus ministry and ultimately to God's kingdom. Your donations and prayer have a far wider reach than you even know. So, thank you. "Do not grow weary in doing good" - St. Paul, Galatians 6:9 Student Testimony Please take a moment to read this touching story from Gordon at UTD! Some photos: Students at the Survivor Season finale night at my house! From left to right: Samantha, Madisyn, Allison, Grace, Jenna, Hayden. Survivor night continued: Azael, Leo, Hayden, and poor Ella having to put up with those dudes. A few scenes from our Winter Formal Christmas party! We started the night off with some advent songs led by Becca, Manuel, and Audrey. Then we had a reading from Ayaeme. They did a wonderful job. Then Steven led us in Christmas trivia, then we had some line dancing. A wonderful way to end the semester with our students. Pictured is our staff pic t...