July 2024
Hey, all! First up, we have our student testimony straight from TWU.
Gearing up for the school year:
I wanted to share some thoughts from the director of all of FOCUS as we approach the new school year. Please read a long and pray with us! We're so thankful for you.
From Brandon Worsham:
"I was in prayer this morning for the thousands of new students who will be coming to our campuses in a little over a month. And then I was reminded of these words from Brady Bobbink, one of my ministry mentors:
"There is a passage in Jonah where the Lord speaks of Nineveh being a great people where they do not 'know their right hand from their left.' What a pithy but sad description of how morally confused and lost people can be even though they are part of a powerful, rich, and well-educated empire. When I think of our campuses, I think the Lord would say the same thing about lots of secular students and the professors who lead them.
"But here is the surprise. The Lord’s statement is not the rationale for Him condemning the city for its moral lostness, but rather to explain to Jonah why he is acting in compassion to rescue them from their situation. Our Lord is long-suffering, not desiring that any should be lost, but instead desiring all would come to know Him."
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