October 2024 update
It has been a busy, wild, interesting, yet encouraging semester. We've had many new baptisms, our student leader team is big, we're have 260ish show up on our fellowship nights, and have well over 300 involved with small groups. We just had our largest turnout for our Fall Retreat ever for Denton FOCUS. The Lord seems to be adding to our number daily and we are increasingly relying more and more on his grace (praise God).
Here's a snapshot and prayer request from our director of FOCUS (he's over at UTD), but very similar things are happening with them:
"So many students are studying the Bible for the first time, learning about Jesus for the first time, wrestling with his call to follow for the first time. They are facing down all sorts of strongholds in their lives--drug addictions, past or present abuse, mental and physical illnesses, identity issues, money troubles, problems in their families--basically anything you can imagine. But we know "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." Will you pray that God will do the things only he can do and that we will be bold and empowered to do the things he's given us to do--proclaiming Jesus on this campus?" - Brandon Worsham
Thank you for praying and investing! I hope you can come visit and see for yourself what is happening over here.
Here's the student testimony, the Keep FOCUS Growing campaign announcement, and some pictures from the last month:
Student Testimony |
Keep FOCUS Growing Campaign |
Lilly and Keelee - 2 of the corefas I get to meet with every week! |
This is a glimpse of the students who came to Fall Retreat - not all had arrived yet! Notice the different colors for the teams! |
My sister-in-laws dog, Merry, says hello and thank you for reading! |
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