February 2024

Howdy, all! 

Happy almost-Spring. First up, we have our student testimony from February. Please take a moment to read Christophe's testimony. 

Below you'll find my ministry letter for the month where I talk about a couple of events we had going on this last month. We were busy-busy but the students have been blessed by them and are in turn a blessing to others. Take a look:

Thank you guys for your generous prayers and support! We are seeing renewal in Denton. Please keep praying for that and praying for courage to overcome the tension points that present as these students try to get closer to Jesus! 

Bonus pictures: 

Aaron and I after I saw his show! Aaron and his wife Tate are good friends of Grant and I's and they're ministry partners with me. I love these people. They're gifts from God! 
Allison, one of my lil homies and a corefa (student leader) acting up at student leader meeting.

This is Shay! I love her. I study scripture with her (FOJ), and we do cool things like see Christian inspired art together. Plot twist: the art was made by another FOCUS alumni and friend, Aaron Hollingsworth. 

Got to visit my friend Carmen in Corpus Christi with my other friend Mandy. Mandy works over at UTD FOCUS, and Carmen and I became friends in college at UNT FOCUS. She's also a ministry partner to me. 

SICM meeting! these are the group of students we invited. Please be praying that they will have courage to overcome their fears of fundraising and making time for it to go! We're very excited for them <3


  1. Hey, Jews and Gentiles and all those "who live our God, help me get the word out. No microchip in the right hand! This is where the Anti-Christ will mark people....."in the right hand , in or upon the right hand or forehead". Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but this will meet death and destruction for many many people. Be a hero and help tell!


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