November 2020 update
Hey, everyone!
It's been a bit! Rest assured, campus ministry is alive and active, the girls that I disciple are learning and listening to Jesus in new and different ways, and they're growing because they are pursuing Jesus. Though it's difficult! They're investing into students who fall everywhere in between on the spectrum of unbelief and belief, and they're doing their best to do that safely as we enter the coming breaks for the holidays. Thank you for your prayer and support! I wish you could meet all of them!
Student Testimony:
Working with college students is a bunch of things: fun, exciting, stressful, confusing, etc. College students themselves tend to passionate about all kinds of things! It's also an age group that's impressionable. Over the years, as we'e noticed trends in our campus ministry, we often have addressed those trends of thinking in topical sermons. While I think those were valuable, I think God has been preparing us for longer than I've been aware of to get us to a place of revisiting and laying the groundwork of the gospel for our students here in Denton.
As I mentioned before, college students tend to be very impressionable! As you can imagine for better or for worse, they are introduced to so many different ideas while they're in the university setting. As we wade through that together, it's becoming more and more clear how the antidote to so much of the issues we face is the gospel: the kingdom of God. As I've been studying through Luke with my girls, I've noticed how we think we have to have the right answers about Jesus without asking questions, or how we try and think we understand everything scripture is saying even when it's really confusing, or even how the main approach to scripture with my girls is just to be personally ministered to by the Lord - which isn't necessarily bad, it's just not the only way. I'm reminded of the Mandalorian on Disney+ saying "This is the way".
Our staff has been in prayer about this, and we are trying our darndest, through our own weakness, to point people to the fact that following Jesus is the alternative solution to everything. It's not, "I'm a student first, then a Christian". It's "I'm a follower of Christ and that shapes how I think and how I do everything else." The way we think, act, interact, treat people - especially people we don't like, the way we use our money, are we quick to confess and forgive, I mean I could go on! And this is tough for me because when I follow Jesus closely, he exposes my own hypocrisy along the way. This is good I think because it gives me many chances to confess and repent, and experience the life he has to the full.
SO. This is what I would ask you to pray for. Pray that our students choose to hear Jesus and be impacted by the gospel. Some cool things have been happening since we had our worship night in which Garrett preached the gospel to our students. : Worship Night, What is the Gospel?
Love you guys!
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