November update!

Happy November, everyone!

This month's student testimony is from a guy named Josh over at our Richland FOCUS community. I actually got to know Josh a little bit during our trip to SICM this past May. He even got baptized during that trip, and though I don't know him super well, it's cool to read a more personal testimony and share his story with all of you! These are the kids y'all are investing in, and God is blessing them through you. Thank you for supporting our ministry! Read his story here:

Campus outreach:

Thank you so much for continuing to pray for our campuses and for the students we meet! During our formal campus outreach, we present questions about faith to the students at Collin College. Questions like "What do you pray for?", "Who do think Jesus is?", and "How can we pray for you?". It's been cool to see students being open to have these discussion and share thoughts even if they aren't necessarily from a Christian background. During outreach, we also have games outside like Spikeball, and for the more "chill ground" picnic blankets for people to sit and talk. It's been really encouraging to witness God's faithfulness with our campus from this time of campus evangelism. When I think of campus outreach, I'm reminded of the parable of the sower from Mark 4. People don't always come to know God, FOCUS, nor are they necessarily receptive, but that's okay. Please continue to pray for us and the students of Collin College.

Image may contain: outdoor
Bubble soccer at Preston Ridge Campus! I was embarrassingly sore after participating in this.

Last but not least, we had our Pizza Theology on the Sermon on the Mount a little over a week ago. It was taught by professor Bill Watson of Criswell College. I really encourage you to listen to this if you get a chance! It's long, but worth it. I'm currently re-listening to it during my drives throughout the metroplex. I truly believe that me and the 400+ people in the room that night encountered God on a deeper level that night. You can listen to it here:

Love all of you!

In Christ,



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