July update

Hey, friends, family, and supporters!

I'm excited to tell you all about my summer! But first, I'd like you to take a moment to read this sweet testimony from my friend Ismael. I went to UNT with this guy, and my heart is so full to see how God has really worked in his life. You can read his story below:

SICM Debrief
Last month, I told you guys all about SICM and how God was working in our students lives there. About a month after we got home, our Collin staff decided to get together with our students who had been to SICM and have a conversation about what God had laid on there hearts since getting back from Washington. It was so encouraging to hear our students talk about humility, faithfulness, grace, and the importance of reaching out to other people. Our students built friendships rooted in Christ, and it was so great to hear what they had to say about what God has been teaching them. I am so excited for these guys and gals to influence our community the way they have been influenced by discipleship. 

Our Collin students who went to 2017 SICM

Summer FOCUS
Over the summer, all nine of our campuses meet together in Richardson. Summer FOCUS is one of my favorite times of the year because all of our students from all of our campuses can befriend one another, they get to hear from different campus pastors, and all of our staff gets to be together. Basically, I'm a huge fan of everyone being together. Cue the kumbaya. If you are interested in hearing our sermons from the summer, you can head over to https://anyfocus.org/resources/media-page/. If you are interested in watching our video series, you can head here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBkRl5gCy8Uqx_9A-HdXDJw/videos

Summer FOCUS featuring Campus Pastor Garrett Davis

Thank you so much for reading this! Please pray that God would provide prayer and financial support to our staff, including our NEW apprentices so that we can be full time missionaries to our campuses. Pray for our students and that they would have a refreshing summer and that they would be prepared to meet new students this coming year. 

Love you guys! 



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