
Showing posts from October, 2017

October update

Happy fall, everyone! Every time the weather gets nice, I get so excited. We only have a few months where scarves, boots, and coats are necessary and I am patiently awaiting for that day. I own way too many scarves for a woman who lives in Texas, but I'm excited to wear one maybe starting around Thanksgiving? Who knows. I am so excited to tell you guys about this past month of campus ministry! First, I would like for you to read sweet Jocelyn's story. Fall Camp Thank you all so much for praying for our fall camp! We had over a hundred students show up this year which is crazy big for a community college. Success isn't about numbers, but it was cool to see this many people show up. At fall camp, we played games, ate chik-fil-a, heard sermons from Garrett and Pedro , and participated in different forms of worship together. I know this experience was uncomfortable for a lot of people because it was uncomfortable for me at my first fall camp 5 years ago (yikes, ...