
Showing posts from November, 2024

November 2024

Keep FOCUS Growing is Underway!  $77,000 in Matching Funds Pledged for Keep FOCUS Growing 2024! Make a gift now  to keep us reaching new students and expanding to new campuses Denton FOCUS Friendsgiving It's an annual tradition in our Denton FOCUS community to have two cores plan a Friendsgiving. It gives students a chance to take ownership in the community, plan ahead, host, be thoughtful, and onboard other students in the community to contribute, celebrate, and to love one another.  Samantha and I 's core co-hosted with Michael and Jaxon's core (our group from Fall Retreat). Michael led us a in pastoral thought, someone from each group prayed for everyone, we ate, laughed, and played games together. Very thankful for our little communities that form within our big community.  Here's some photos!  My back porch filled with students eating thanksgiving food. We went around sharing a favorite Thanksgiving memory and got to know each other better.  A very int...