
Showing posts from January, 2023

January 2023 update

 Happy New Year everyone! I'm excited to fill you in on the last couple of months but before I do that, here's our student testimony from the month. This one is sweet because it's a student whom I got to study scripture with and befriend. Take a peek:  Winter Retreat:  We just had our winter retreat and it was so awesome! The worship was exciting, the students left feeling poured into and had healthy conviction, and overall it brought our community closer. They came back this semester with good energy and excitement instead of slouching into the semester. At Winter Retreat, we covered 1 John, a powerful letter to the church. We covered different topics like Love, Christology, Maturity, Sin and Confession, and Truth vs. Lying, we also had a Theology of Work lecture which was really helpful for our students!  Winter Retreat Worship. There was lots of dancing and singing!  Darby holding our favorite staff baby, Jude! His mom, Nicole, was trying to organize 500 stud...