Well my friends, my apprenticeship with Focus is over and I have now officially transitioned onto our senior staff. These past ten months have been such a rollercoaster of God teaching me how good he really is, and how he answers prayer. Thank you so much for supporting me, our ministry, and for being a part of it. I am so excited for this new year of getting to do college ministry. Please continue to pray that God will provide richly for our staff's fundraising, and for summer to be a refreshing, renewing time for our students. This month's student testimony makes my heart melt because I got to know Michelle personally this past semester. She was a part of the core I co-led, she is responding so boldly to Jesus, and is passionate about college ministry. I even got to share a room with her at SICM in Bellingham, WA! She is such a good friend, and a truly answered prayer to our Preston Ridge campus. Below is her testimony: Me, Caroline, Karen Verburg (the best host mo...